Dear readers I am glad to present the journal TechnoLEARN. It is an International Journal of Educational Technology published bi-annually. It includes articles concerned with various areas like Computer Education, Adult Education, Teacher Education, Distance Education, Technical Education, Women’s Education, Rural Education and Issues related to Education in India. In the journal, it has been tried level best to include need based topics dealing with Educational Technology. The mission of TechnoLEARN is to disseminate and diffuse the knowledge regarding various developments in the field of Technology and enlighten teachers, researchers, scholars and students regarding the implementation of these developments in Education. Our aim is to make the journal an effective resource of information related to Educational Technology.

   The innovations in Technology have significantly affected our lives by laying impact on social, economical, political and cultural scenario. Educational system has also being greatly revitalized and modified by the developments of Technologies. New and emerging technologies challenge the traditional process of teaching and learning, and the way education is managed. Technology has helped to make learning a lifelong activity and a pleasurable experience by providing easy access to information any time and anywhere. To study the impact of technology on education a new area educational technology has emerged. The TechnoLEARN is an attempt to provide a platform to eminent intellectuals all over the world to share their ideas and discuss various issues of educational technology. Every person actively participating in educational system has valuable ideas and suggestions to improve it. Kindly feel free to write and contribute any such article so that learning community can be benefited. Any views expressed in this publication are views of authors and not the views of editors. I am also hopeful that journal might be fulfilling your requirement.

@TechnoLEARN, An International Journal of Educational Technology(TL)| Printed by New Delhi Publishers

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