Year: 2023 | Month: June | Volume 13 | Issue 1

(N.E.P. 2020) Role of Libraries in the Field of Higher Education

Neeraj Kumar Pathak


The Government of India has introduced various applications and resources to promote library services in education, such as e-sodh-sindhushala, e-pathshala, e-sodh-gangotri, e-sodh-ganga, e-pgpathshala, national Digital Library, Koha open-source software, and
more. Despite claims made by educational resource companies and agencies, the reality in India’s educational institutions is different. Libraries play a crucial role in facilitating access to these programs for teaching, research, and extension activities. They establish
digital collections, online reference services, digital repositories, online catalogues, and information literacy initiatives to enhance education in the digital age. The national education Policy emphasizes the role of libraries in integrating educational information
and technology, guiding users to access accurate information, and adapting to changing user needs. The libraries’ transformation from print-based institutions to digital libraries has revolutionized their services and information dissemination.

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