Year: 2018 | Month: June | Volume 8 | Issue 1

Role of Buddhism in the Development of Indian Education

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In India during the time of Buddha, there was a racial discrimination in the society. This discrimination was according to profession of man and according to birth. In the society there were four divisions of whom Brahman was superior. They enjoyed rights for religious training and education. But other category of people deprived of their religious and educational rights.
It should be observed that it is “the life of holiness” which Buddhism emphasizes much more than the philosophy of life, speculations concerning the mysteries of life and death and such ultimate truths. The entire system of Buddhist education must be rooted in faith (saddhā)— faith in the Triple Gem, and above all in the Buddha as the fully enlightened One, the peerless teacher and supreme guide to right living and right understanding. Based on this faith, the students must be inspired to become accomplished in virtue (sÄ«la) by following the moral guidelines spelled out by the Five Precepts. Students should come to appreciate the positive virtues these precepts represent: kindness, honesty, purity, truthfulness, and mental sobriety. They must also acquire the spirit of generosity and self-sacrifice (cāga), so essential for overcoming selfishness, greed, and the narrow focus on self-advancement that dominates in present-day society.

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