Year: 2015 | Month: December | Volume 5 | Issue 2

Concerns of School in Nurturing Peace Education

DOI:Coming soon...


These days we are living in a very disturbing society where violence, aggression and argument have become so common for no cause most of times. People are behaving very inhumanly. Most often these violence or conflicts occur due to misunderstanding and unknowingness of the facts. Hence, these misunderstanding and unknowingness posing new threats to our society. In this regard, learning to live with and in peace is prime concerns of peace education. Across the Education world, peace education is gaining attention in the policies and thereby, in the curriculum and syllabus of education. With the growing recognition and attention, school is being identified as a key role player in setting and facilitating peace education. In the beginning of the article meaning of peace is stated thereafter, it tries to differentiate between the concepts of Peace Education and Education for Peace. It also outlines the various role of school in setting of aims and objectives and implementation strategies of peace education.

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